Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hunger Games Cast: Gale

We always pictured Gale very, very attractive. (Who didn't?) This is another roundup cast of two possible guys. Katniss and Gale's ethnicity is debateable but we think they may be Native American? Because of that we chose two actors for Gale.

Drew Roy is to die for in looks, and Alex Meraz is also gorgeous. Although we also agree that Gale could easily be pulled off by an unknown actor.

Drew Roy or Alex Meraz?

Hunger Games Cast: Rue

Our choice for Rue. Full cast here:

Rue is the female tribute from District 11 who is 12 years of age. She is small and reminds Katniss a lot of Prim. It also says she is dark-skinned--and so is her male counterpart.

Yara was in Imagine That with Eddie Murphy. She's 10 years old I believe? She's adorable and has probably aged a bit since that film. We think she'd make a great Rue.

Yara Shahidi

Hunger Games Cast: Primrose Everdeen

Darling little Primrose. Full cast here:

Our choice for Prim was, of course, Abigail. She's a fantastic actress at such a young age. If you dyed her hair just slightly blonder than what it is now, she'd be perfect. We love her.

Abigail Breslin

Hunger Games Cast: Madge

Ahh here's where we start round-up casting. Full cast here:

We have two choices for Madge. Annasophia Robb or Dakota Fanning.

Now, Madge isn't a very large part. Dakota Fanning is extremely mainstream. But she's also fabulous. Annasophia Robb is less popular and still has the Madge look. What's your opinion?

Dakota Fanning or Annasophia Robb?

Hunger Games Cast: Cinna

Cinna from Hunger Games. Full cast here:

CINNA! We're pretty sure everyone on the face of the Hunger-Games-casting planet has chosen Hugh Dancy for Cinna. Hugh Dancy=awesome, Cinna=awesome. By the transitive property of equality Hugh Dancy=Cinna.

Cinna started a revolution through the power of fashion design...what's not to love?

Hugh Dancy

Hunger Games Cast: Haymitch Abernathy

Our choice for the lovely Haymitch. Video here:

When RDJ is all grimey and disgusting he could probably very well pull off a drunken Haymitch. Just make him gain about 30 pounds and he's perfect! He could also very easily pull off the "sweetheart" attitude. We love him!

Robert Downey Jr.

Hunger Games Cast: Effie Trinket

Our choice for Effie Trinket is the fabulous Kristin Chenoweth. Video's here:

Kristin has those wonderful cheekbones and general face shape that makes her look so wonderfully uptight and Effie-esque. Plop on a pink wig and you got yourself an Effie Trinket.

Kristin Chenoweth

Hunger Games Cast: Cato

This is our choice for Cato from the Hunger Games. Find the video form here:

Cato is supposed to be a brute force. VIKTOR KRUM!! Although argueably Cato could be played by any large actor, but we like Stan.

Stanislav Ianevski

Hunger Games Cast: Glimmer

Our choice for Glimmer. Check out the video form here:

Basically any blonde girl could play Glimmer but Taylor looks pretty fierce in this picture. Glimmer's not a huge character so they couldn't hire anyone too mainstream in acting.

Taylor Swift

Hunger Games Cast: President Snow

Hey! This is our choice for President Snow in Hunger Games. You can find our full cast list in video form here:

President Snow is supposed to have thick (I would imagine collagen-filled) lips that are stretched across his face. This isn't exactly easy to find in an actor, but we did our best. Give him a white wig and makeup and he could definitely pull it off.

Ray Wise